As Good As New!

Hi Everyone,

We have been back at Thurmaston nearly a week now, time flies! We have been getting ready for our next trip. Ken has finished tarting up the boat (both sides!) and very nice she looks too, almost as good as new!

My dental experience is all but forgotten, my gum is healing up really well. So Monday we are off to do the Leicester Ring. This should take us about 4 weeks at a really leisurely pace. It usually takes about a fortnight cruising between 5 and 7 hours a day but we are planning to take it slowly, stopping for a couple of days here and there if we fancy it.

Mark and Rachel are working really hard at the moment, (Martin is away on holiday), ressurrecting the old slipway behind the workshop. This has, as a consequence, provided a rather interesting mooring opportunity beside the tunnel, which we have asked if we can have. Our current mooring is not really a permanent one, although we always moor in it when we are here, so to have one we can call our own would be nice.

Anyway, see you on the Leicester Ring next week!

Cheers B.

Bridget Written by: